319 SCRA 595
Due to dire financial needs of petitioner spouses who were engaged in the construction business, they secured loans from Vicencio. At every loan secured, the lender compelled the spouses to issue an undated check despite the admission of spouses that their bank account has insufficientfunds or as on a later date, already closed. Lender assured them that the issuance of the check was only evidence of indebtedness, that it would not be presented to the bank, and it would be for formalities only. On the date wherein there was an unpaid balance to the loans secured by the spouses, the lender had them place a date on two of the later checks issued. Surprised later on, the spouses were charged with estafa as the checks were presented for encashment and was dishonored.
BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES, THE NEGOTIABLE CHARACTER OF A CHECK MAY BE WAIVED AND THE INSTRUMENT BE SIMPLY TREATED AS PROOF OF AN OBLIGATION. There cannot be deceit on the part of the spouses because they agreed with the lender at the time of the issuance and postdating of the checks that the same shall not be encashed or presented to the bank. As per assurance of the lender, the checks are nothing but evidence of the loan or security thereof in lieu of and for thesame purpose as a promissory note.