Art.  466.  Whenever  two  movable  things  belonging  to  different owners are, without bad faith, united in such a way that they form a  single  object,  the  owner  of  the  principal  thing  acquires  the accessory,  indemnifying  the  former  owner  thereof  for  its  value. (375)


     Process by virtue of which 2 movable things belonging to different owners are united in such a way that they form a single object


1.    Inclusion/engraftment
2.    Soldadura/soldering
3.    Escritura/writing
4.    Pintura/painting
5.    Weaving/tejido
Art. 467. The principal thing, as between two things incorporated, is  deemed  to  be  that  to  which  the  other  has  been  united  as  an ornament, or for its use or perfection. (376)
Art.  468.  If  it  cannot  be  determined  by  the  rule  given  in  the preceding  article  which  of  the  two  things  incorporated  is  the principal one, the thing of the greater value shall be so considered, and  as  between  two  things  of  equal  value,  that  of  the  greater volume.
In painting and sculpture, writings, printed matter,  engraving and lithographs,  the  board,  metal,  stone,  canvas,  paper  or  parchment shall be deemed the accessory thing. (377)



1.    That to which the other has been united as an ornament, or for its use, or perfection
2.    That of greater value
3.    That of greater volume
4.    That which has greater merits


     In painting and sculpture, writings, printed matter, engraving and lithographs, the board, metal, stone, canvas, paper or parchment shall be deemed the accessory thing. (377)


     Determine which really is the principal
     All the rest should be considered as accessories
Art.  469.  Whenever  the  things  united  can  be  separated  without injury, their respective owners may demand their separation.
Nevertheless,  in  case  the  thing  united  for  the  use,  embellishment or perfection of the other, is much more precious than the principal thing,  the  owner  of  the  former  may  demand  its  separation,  even though  the  thing  to  which  it  has  been  incorporated  may  suffer some injury. (378)



     There is no real adjunction
     In the second paragraph, if the accessory is much more precious than the principal, then there can be removal although with injury 
Art. 470. Whenever the owner of the accessory thing has made the incorporation in bad faith, he shall lose the thing incorporated and shall  have  the  obligation  to  indemnify  the  owner  of  the  principal thing for the damages he may have suffered.
If the one who has acted in bad faith is the owner of the principal thing, the owner of the accessory thing shall have a right to choose between  the  former  paying  him  its  value  or  that  the  thing belonging to him be separated, even though for this purpose it be necessary  to  destroy  the  principal  thing;  and  in  both  cases, furthermore, there shall be indemnity for damages.
If  either  one  of  the  owners  has  made  the  incorporation  with  the knowledge and without the objection of the other, their respective rights  shall  be  determined  as  though  both  acted  in  good  faith. (379a)
Art. 471. Whenever the owner of the material employed without his consent  has  a  right  to  an  indemnity,  he  may  demand  that  this consist in the delivery of a thing equal in kind and value, and in all other  respects,  to  that  employed,  or  else  in  the  price  thereof, according to expert appraisal. (380)



     Either by delivery of the thing equal in kind and value OR
     Payment of price as appraised by experts
     This rule is applicable if there was no consent of the owner
Art.  472.  If by  the will of their owners  two things of the same or different kinds are mixed, or if the mixture occurs by chance, and in the  latter  case  the  things  are  not  separable  without  injury,  each owner  shall  acquire  a  right  proportional  to  the  part  belonging  to  him,  bearing  in  mind  the  value  of  the  things  mixed  or  confused. (381)
Art.  473.  If  by  the  will  of  only  one  owner,  but  in  good  faith,  two things  of  the  same  or  different  kinds  are  mixed  or  confused,  the rights  of  the  owners  shall  be  determined  by  the  provisions  of  the preceding article.
If the one who caused the mixture or confusion acted in bad faith, he  shall  lose  the  thing  belonging  to  him  thus  mixed  or  confused, besides being obliged to pay indemnity for the damages caused to the owner of the other thing with which his own was mixed. (382)
Art. 474. One who in good faith employs the material of another in whole or in part in order to make a thing of a different kind, shall appropriate  the  thing  thus  transformed  as  his  own,  indemnifying the owner of the material for its value.
If the material is more precious than the transformed thing or is of more value, its owner may, at his option, appropriate the new thing to himself, after first paying indemnity for the value of the work, or demand indemnity for the material.
If in the making of the thing bad faith intervened, the owner of the material  shall  have  the  right  to  appropriate  the  work  to  himself without  paying  anything to the maker, or to demand of the latter that  he  indemnify  him  for  the  value  of  the  material  and  the damages  he  may  have  suffered.  However,  the  owner  of  the material  cannot  appropriate  the  work  in  case  the  value  of  the latter,  for  artistic  or  scientific  reasons,  is  considerably  more  than
that of the material. (383a)
Art. 475. In the preceding articles, sentimental value shall be duly appreciated. (n)